Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hair growth update/ Mn Results (Video Version)

This is for all of you who don't like to read. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

MN(Miconazole Nitrate) Growth Update (PICS)

As you all know my current growth aid of choice is a Miconazole Nitrate mix. 
(Read original post and update HERE)
I'm out of my sew in a lot earlier than I expected, while I had it installed I applied my MN mix every night. I was convinced I hadn't had any growth so out of curiosity I decided to do a length check......and I did........... I was all like .....

My mouth flew open because as I said before, I was almost certain I hadn't received any noticeable amount of growth, guess I was wrong. I surpassed my "September" goal which I'm excited about.
Well, that's all I just wanted to give a brief update and share my progress thus far....thanks for reading.

Check out my first MN update: Click here to read

Twist Out(PICS) Whip It Wednesday!

It's Whip it Wednesday ladies and gents! Here's my HOTD it's a twist out. This is a great hairstyle for transitioners who are trying to blend their new growth and relaxed ends. If you'd like me to make a tutorial video comment below :)

Day 1

                                                   Day 1
Morning- Day 2
Night- Day 2
Night - Day 2

Night -Day 2

If you'd like me to make a tutorial video comment below :)

Length Vs Health

We've all seen it before, that girl with long MBL/BSL hair but her ends are split and see through all the way up to her neck. Long hair does not mean healthy hair. In the first year of your hair journey you'll be focused on length and meeting your goals (guilty) but, in the second year length doesn't matter much to me. I care more about thickness and health. I believe long damaged hair comes from people wanting to wear their hair down more frequently since it's grown longer which results in using more heat, which then leads to damage. They're afraid to cut those 3-4 inches off in fear of losing length but if it looks scraggly, why hang on to them? If I could chose between thickness and length, I'd chose thickness everyday again and again. It's hair,  if you have a regimen and take care of your hair trust and believe it will grow back, better than before. It was 3 am the other morning and I had the strongest urge to cut my hair, I don't like the way my relaxed ends look, and I'm just not feeling the colored portions of my hair. But, I decided I'm not really focused on length right now, more so on health so although I've been transitioning since last January I plan on starting with fresh natural hair. Meaning, even though most of my hair is now natural I plan on cutting that as well. My new plan is to cut an inch off every 2 months so I can break even and have a new start. My natural hair isn't damaged and neither are my relaxed ends, I'm just really not feeling it.  But ladies, please don't gain length and fall off of our regimen, it's WORSE when your hair is long and damaged. Castor oil is great for thickening up hair as well, you can purchase this at Walmart or Walgreens or you can order Jamaican Black Castor oil online which in my opinion works better but,with that being said HAPPY HAIR GROWING!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

WMH Help Guide (a must read!)

I thought I'd make a navigation/ get started guide for those unfamiliar with the blog and all of it's features. It has many features which allows you to interact and be apart of the site. There's a chatroom/forum, a monthly newletter, and much more.Below is a screen shot each section I will be giving you a "tour" of is numbered.

1.The FOLLOW Button
This button allows you to follow our blog. The perks? New posts will be conveniently displayed on your blogger dashboard along with other sites you've "followed". You can follow publicly or privately.

2. The Community Section
IMO it's the greatest part of this site. This section allows you to interact with other readers, ask questions, answer questions, start "challenges", give reviews, share your experiences, request tutorials, and much more. It can be used the same way a forum is. You can sign in as a guest with a screen name, or with your facebook and twitter name. You can also remain anonymous. On Wednesdays at 8pm (Eastern Time) we will also have a "full" site chat/ discussion on a topic.  If you would like to continue reading the site AND chatting scroll down and on the side bar (picture below) there is a mini chat widget. You can read the blog and still interact.
3. The Navigation Bar
Makes visiting our blog and finding information a BREEZE. (The search bar is also very helpful)Every post is categorized and is under the "related tab". Each tab drops down into multiple sections just put your mouse over the section you wish to visit or expand.If you are new to your hair growth journey the "Educate" tab is a great place to start out. The "Our Hair" tab are posts related to our hair (Kara & Misha's hair) it includes length checks and our regimen.The FAQ tab is where all "Frequently Asked Questions" are posted. We pick one that is sent to us via the chatroom or email ( and answer it. The Contest tab has information, and updates about any current, upcoming, or past contests and GIVE AWAYS we've had. Check that tab OFTEN. The rest is pretty self explanatory. 

 Recommended Reads:
 Glossary   <<Common terms you'll see used here.
Regimen Building 101 << In depth and very helpful! 
Hair Length Chart << Commonly used terms for each length.
Healthy Hair 101  << The baiscs

If you ever need to refer to this page again it will be made a "permanent" tab under EDUCATE.
Also if you haven't already sign up for our Monthly Newsletter to stay updated with the latest posts, give a ways, tutorial, and much more!

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